
Mystical Blood
Each of the 5 Species of Nezdriodel have their own unique and strange heritage that grants powers beyond those of normal folks. If you’d like to play a character with access to the special heritage of your people, then purchasing the Mystical Blood Edge grants you the ability to do so.

Each sort of Mystical Blood Craft allows the use of Secrets. Secrets are spells, powers, weird inventions, or other types of rare abilities that only those with Mystical Blood can perform. When you purchase the Mystical Blood Edge, you may choose 3 Secrets of your Craft. Some Secrets can only be used once per hour, or even per day. Some Secrets are always active and benefit the User indefinitely. Each Secret will detail specifically how long they last and what their effects are. Some Secrets cost Luck points to activate, and some Secrets can be purchased more than once to increase their effect.

Craft Weakness
Every Craft has an associated weakness relating to it that all practitioners of that craft succumb to. If you decide to endeavor into these secret and ancient arts, then be prepared for the consequences!

As direct conduits of the power of their patron deity, Human Priests channel the very energies of the heavens, performing grand acts that mend the flesh and nourish the spirit. The symbol of Valtus is the golden chalice, and as such, their brand of sorcery overflows with celestial might. Humans with Mystical Blood practice Divine Magic, and are called Priests.

Prerequisites: If you wish to be a Priest, you must have at least 2 levels in both the Heal and Lore Skills.

Weakness: Priests are granted a great deal of respect and responsibility from the Human people. They are official representatives of the Church of Valtus, and as such, are expected to behave in a certain manner. Priests are obligated to perform religious ceremonies such as weddings, funerals and otherwise act as their superiors in the church dictate. Furthermore, they are expected to follow a strict code of behavior that encompasses all of the aspects of their patron deity. A Priest of Valtus is expected to present themselves with nobility and chivalry at all times. They are to aid those in peril and grant aid and defense to the weak.

Divine Magic Secrets
Soul Sight
This ability is always active, and grants you a sixth sense when an evil being is near your presence within a 10 foot radius. When near a source of evil, you get a slight sense of nausea that increases depending on the state of the target’s soul. When in the presence of someone who is slightly immoral or indecent, you may feel slight disease, but when confronted with a black hearted murderer or spiritually corrupt individual, your stomach turns and your entire essence reacts. This makes it quite difficult for someone to hide their true self from you.  

Holy Shield
By taking a Half action and uttering a small prayer, you surround yourself in a blazing column of glowing holy light that illuminates your immediate surroundings, as well as granting you a Defense of 16. If the target of this Secret already has a Defense equal to or above 16, then they gain no benefit other than the illuminated aura. This lasts for one hour. You can use this Secret on others, but only up to 3 times per day.

Saint’s Touch
By taking a Half Action and touching a wounded target (or yourself), you immediately heal them of d6 + your Heal Skill rating. You may purchase this secret twice in order to increase the healing done by this Secret to 2d6 + your Heal Skill rating. You may activate this Secret up to 5 times per day if you purchase it once, and 7 times if purchased twice.

Healing Wind
By spending a point of Luck and taking a Full Action, you infuse yourself and all allies within a 25 foot radius with positive holy energy, healing all within the area of effect for 3d6 + your Heal Skill Hit Points. You may purchase this Secret twice in order to increase the amount healed to 5d6 + your Heal Skill.

Cure Disease
By reciting a lengthy d6 minute prayer, you touch a target and instantly cure one ailment of disease that they suffer from. This cannot cure terminal illnesses or the effects of old age, but can reverse most kinds of curable conditions that otherwise would take weeks or months to fully cure. This can also cure all but the most virulent of magical or supernatural diseases or curses. You can perform this secret once per day.

Sanctuary of Peace
By spending a Full Action and a point of Luck, you surround yourself in a 25 foot radius of protective holy energy. Enemies cannot set foot into this protected area, and any ranged attacks made at those protected by the Sanctuary suffer Disadvantage. This lasts for up to 6 hours but the effect ends immediately if anyone inside the Sanctuary makes an attack. Use of this spell is ideal when setting camp in an area that may prove hostile.

By spending a Full action, you cast harsh divine judgment on all wicked beings within your immediate vicinity. All beings that are truly evil in a 25 foot radius around you are burned with golden holy fire, and suffer 3d12 damage. Undead beings suffer twice this amount (double your result). You can perform this Secret once per day. This Secret does not affect beasts or animals who cannot tell the difference between right and wrong, and only affects those who are truly corrupt and evil at heart.

Zone of Confession
Once per day, you can take one hour to prepare a ritual circle decorated with candles and incense. Anyone brought into this circle must roll a Smarts test at difficulty 15. Failure indicates that the target immediately begins to confess all wrongdoings that they have been involved in within recent memory. Blundering this test means you literally spill your guts about every bad thing you have done in your entire life! If the target succeeds on this roll, they are not compelled to confess anything.

Raise Dead
The mightiest display of Valtus’ power is the ability to Revive the Dead to the realm of the living. This very taxing Secret takes 1d6 hours of prayer and ritual to complete. You must have the remains of the body for this Secret to have any effect, and the target must have died prematurely, and not from disease or old age. Furthermore, the target must not have been dead for more than 7 days. This Secret is very physically taxing on the Priest who performs it, and as such, this Secret can only be performed once every Month.

Immortal Soul
This powerful Secret grants immortality, making you immune to the ravages of time. You will not age physically or die of old age, and you also gain immunity to disease. However, you can still be slain in battle normally. Many Priests of Valtus are vastly older than they physically appear due to this benevolent Secret.

The primal forces of the land itself and the beasts that inhabit it fuel the ancient magics of the Elven people. As the eldest Species in creation, the Elves lay claim to the first codified sorcery in the world. Elves with Mystical Blood practice Druidic Magic and are called Druids.

Prerequisites: If you wish to be a Druid, you must have at least 2 levels in both the Primal and Survival Skills.

Weakness: Druids have deep ties to nature and are bound spiritually to natural forces. Because of this, Druids cannot make use of non-natural items, weapons or armor. They cannot use metal weapons or wear metal armor, nor will they make use of technological means or transport like Dwarven Flying machines or the like.  

Druidic Magic Secrets
Nature’s Bounty
Once per day, you can spend d6 minutes in serene meditation on natural land. After that time, a wellspring of nourishing food that can feed up to 10 people for 24 hours. With this secret, you always have a steady supply of food. This Secret can only be performed on natural land, but will work even in barren deserts or land that normally wouldn’t bear fruit.

Feral Form
This Secret is always active, and gives you several benefits when learned. Your eyes become reflective and wolf-like, allowing you to see normally in very low light conditions. You grow a set of razor sharp bestial claws that grant you the ability to deal d4 + Vigor or Agility mod damage. Your senses become attuned finely, and you gain Advantage on all Perception rolls. This Secret also allows you the ability to track others by scent. By purchasing this Secret twice, you can spend a point of Luck to transform into a natural animal for 1 hour.

Armor of the Vine
By spending a Half Action, you summon forth an armor breastplate comprised of toughened vines. This grants you a Defense of 16. The vines also sprout long, prickling thorns when attackers come near, and anyone who succeeds on a close combat attack roll on you immediately take d4 damage for their trouble. You can use this Secret up to thrice per day and it lasts for 1 hour. You can use this Secret on any willing target that you can touch up to three times per day.

Water Walk
This Secret is always active, but can be temporarily suppressed whenever the Druid wishes. A Druid with this Secret can walk on the surface of water and is only submerged in it when they wish to be. This Secret allows the user to walk on natural bodies of water only, and couldn’t be used to walk across lava or a pool of avid.

Poison Cloud
By spending a Full Action and gesturing towards any living being within 25 feet of you, you summon forth a noxious yellow-green cloud of poisonous gas that deals d12 damage to the target immediately. For the next 2 turns after that, the target takes an additional d12 damage. While poisoned, the target cannot benefit from any Healing Potions. When you use this secret, the victim makes a Vigor roll at difficulty 15 to resist the effects of the poison. Success means they take no damage. This Secret can be used up to three times per day. A victim who is already Poisoned cannot be targeted by this spell again until they are no longer Poisoned.

Much like a lizard, you can regrow severed limbs over time. By spending a point of Luck, you can regrow a severed limb. Regrowing fingers and toes takes only a matter of hours and does not require the expenditure of Luck. You can purchase this Secret twice in order to naturally regain 1 Hit Point of damage at the end of every round as long as you have at least 1 Hit Point.

Earthen Sanctuary
You can spend a point of Luck to sink effortlessly into the ground, where you can then burrow and travel at shocking speeds underground. This allows the Druid to travel to any point within Thistlebloom Glade in mere minutes. This Secret can be used on any natural plot of land, but you can only travel in this manner within the borders of Thistlebloom. If you remain burrowed for d6 hours, when you emerge, you do so completely revived of all Hit Points.

Spider’s Step
This ability allows you to easily climb along smooth surfaces and even walk up walls and hang from ceilings. You must have both bare feet and both hands touching the surface in order for this Secret to work. This effect ends immediately if you take damage while climbing. You may use this Secret up to three times per day. Each use of this power grants you up to 5 minutes of use.

This Secret is always active, and grants you webbed fingers and toes. You gain Advantage on all swimming rolls, and also grow gills that allow you to breathe underwater indefinitely. This Secret also allows you the ability to communicate naturally with any aquatic wildlife.

Weather Control
This powerful Secret can be used once per week, requiring the user to perform a complex and difficult ceremonial dance that takes d6 hours to complete. After this time, the weather in your immediate surroundings for miles around changes to your whim. With this, you can call or calm storms, or even summon a Tornado. This Secret is powerful, but cannot defy the laws of nature. Therefore, in order to summon a Blizzard, you’d need to perform this Secret in winter. You couldn’t summon a blizzard in the middle of summer, for example.

Gnomes revere the forces of chance, luck and fortune that are embodied as beings known as The Fates. Rare few can emplore the Fates for aid and wield a small sliver of their wily power. The Fates are depicted commonly as beings comprised of roiling and thick clouds of white fog (symbolizing the unknown and obscured future), and as such, Gnomish magic often centers around such concepts like predicting the future and weaving the foggy strands of fortune to benefit them. Gnomes with Mystical Blood practice Fate Magic and are known as Fatecrafters.

Prerequisites: If you wish to be a Fatecrafter, you must have at least 2 levels in both the Charm and Perception Skills.

Weakness: Those who choose to open themselves to the manipulation of the Fates often gain the focus of those very capricious forces. Fatecrafters lead intensely interesting lives, and often fall into the lap of epic struggles and adversities seemingly at random. They are always the eye of the storm, finding themselves sucked into incredibly important and dramatic events. If you want a calm, serene existence, then the occupation of Fatecrafter is not for you!

Fate Magic Secrets
This Secret is always active and imparts the user with remarkable visions of events to come. At least once per day, a Fatecrafter with this powerful Secret has a vision of a future event that will occur. These visions take place in the blink of an eye, and their meaning is often times cryptic and not straight forward. You cannot force a vision to occur, and this ability occurs randomly.

Good Fortune
Once per day you can spend a Full Action to recite a small blessing of fortune that immediately grants yourself and all allies within 5 feet of you 1 point of Luck. This can increase your Luck Pool beyond its maximum. 

Twist of Fate
Whenever you spend a point of Luck, you gain 2d6 Hit Points. Furthermore, once per day, whenever you are involved in a Contested roll, you may choose to switch roll results with your opponent.

You can spend a Full Action and a point of Luck to vanish into a puff of thick white smoke and appear in a similar cloud anywhere within 25 feet of your field of vision. If you purchase this Secret twice, you can, once per day, spend a point of Luck to any location that you have physically been to within the last 30 days. 

Touch of Mydaz
This Secret was created by a legendary Fatecrafter named Mydaz, who was one of the wealthiest Gnomes in creation. Once per day, you can gather together a small pile of rocks and stones, which you can then spend a Full Action to touch with your fingertip, turning the pile of rocks into a shimmering pile of d6 x 100 Gold.   

Phantom Mask
By spending a Point of Luck and taking a Full Action, you can alter your face, voice, gender and even Species at higher levels of mastery! You may change your facial features and voice at its base level, but can appear as another gender or even another Species if you purchase this Secret twice. This fantastic disguise lasts for up to 1 hour as long as nothing physically interacts with the illusion. If something does physically interact with the disguise, the illusion is immediately shattered. You may assume the identity of anyone that you have physically touched, or make up a completely new, random identity.

Once this Secret is chosen, you gain a loyal, fantastically quick steed comprised completely of thick white fog that only you can ride. Your Fatesteed never requires food and can be summoned from thin air simply by whistling. A Fatesteed is immune to physical damage, and dissipates when you dismount.

This clever Secret can be used to immediately summon forth any simple tool or object that can be held in one hand by spending a point of Luck. You can conjure forth things like dice, daggers, lockpicks, pens, or any common item or tool that costs less 1 gold piece or less. These items crumble to useless dust once you Conjure forth another item.

Fog Cloud
You can take a Half Action to surround yourself in a thick cloud of white fog that obscures vision and protects you from attack for 3 rounds. During this time, all attacks made against you gain Disadvantage, but all your attacks gain Advantage, as you can see through the fog normally. You may perform this Secret thrice per day.

Wind Whisper
You can whisper a message of up to ten words that is carried almost instantly to its intended recipient. You can use this Secret up to three times per day, and the recipient of your message can reply with up to ten words as well.

The disruptive Firbolgs are born being violently belched from an angry volcano, and as such, their heritage’s sorcery focuses on harnessing the destructive power of heat, fire and magma, as well as the indomitable will of earth itself. Firbolgs with Mystical Blood practice Lavacalling and are called Lavacallers.

Prerequisites: In order to be a Lavacaller, you must have a complete and utter disregard for the safety of yourself and others, as well as their property…

Weakness: Much like Firbolgs themselves, the practice of Lavacalling is intensely unstable, loud and chaotic. Each time you use a Lavacalling Secret that requires at least a Half Action, roll a d20. If you roll a 1 on this roll, then you immediately summon a rather unhappy Magma Elemental that immediately begins to attack anything in the vicinity (including you).

Lavacalling Secrets
Friend of the Flame
This Secret is always active, and grants you the ability to manipulate and control fire. This allows you to light or extinguish campfires, torches and candles within 25 feet of you at will by gesturing towards them. You may also spend a point of Luck to ignite any flammable substance that you physically touch.

Tectonic Shield
You can spend a Full Action to summon forth a set of thick earthen armor, granting you  a Defense of 16 for one hour. During this time, you cannot be knocked prone or moved against your will, as the power of the Earth locks your footing in place.

Little Buddy
You can spend a Full Action to summon a small Fire Goblin that does your bidding, creates all manner of mischief, and generally grovels before you. This little fiery Familiar can follow your instructions and assist in whatever chaos its Master or Mistress is up to. You can dismiss a Fire Goblin familiar by spending another Full Action. A Fire Goblin familiar is too small, weak and cowardly to aid you in combat directly, but, as long as one is summoned, you gain a +1 damage to all damage rolls made with your Lavacalling secrets. You may purchase this Secret twice to gain a Fire Diva as a familiar instead of a Fire Goblin. Fire Divas are far more intelligent (and far less trouble) than Fire Goblins, and they grant a +2 damage to all your Lavacalling Secrets.

Once per day, you can take a Full Action to transform into a roiling puddle of glowing lava-like goo. While in this form, you can move at a Speed of 10 and can seep underneath doors or cracks. Anyone who touches this puddle takes d6 damage. You can retain this form for up to d6 minutes. This effect ends immediately and also deals 3d12 damage to you if anyone douses the puddle with at least a canteen full of water.

Brimstone Rain
Once per day you can summon forth a massive storm in a 50 foot radius around you of falling, flaming boulders. All enemies within the radius must succeed at an Agility test at Difficulty 15 or suffer 2d10 Bashing Damage as well as 1d10 Fire damage. You can purchase this Secret twice to increase this damage to 3d10 Bashing damage as well as 2d10 Fire damage.

Choking Smog
Once per day, you can exhale a huge cloud of thick, noxious smog that targets all beings who can breathe in a cone effect in front of you. All enemies in the area of effect must roll a difficulty 15 Vigor test or spend the next d4 rounds choking, hacking and coughing. Affected victims can only take Half Actions, but have their speed halved. Attacks on choking victims gain Advantage. Note that this Secret can only affect targets who can breathe, and doesn’t work on Undead or Constructs.

You can spend a Full Action to spit out a flaming fist-sized boulder at anyone who is currently making you mad. This is a Ranged Combat attack that deals 1d4 Bash damage and 1d4 Fire damage. Triumphing on this attack sets the target on fire for 3 rounds, dealing d6 damage at the start of each turn. There is no limit to the amount of times you can use this Secret. If you blunder on an attack roll with this Secret, you get a Magmaball caught in your throat and take 2d6 heartburn damage. You can purchase this Secret twice to increase the damage to d6 Bash damage and d6 Fire damage. You cannot use this Secret if your mouth is covered.

You can spend a point of Luck to physically shape and mold stone as easily as clay for d6 minutes. Use of this Secret can allow you to pass thick stone walls by easily parting the stone with your hands as easily as if it were clay. Firbolg Cragmasters often times use this power to create rather…interesting and vulgar stone statues that litter their ferocious homeland.

Burning Soul
This Secret is always active, and amplifies the natural heat in a Firbolg’s blood, making it literally as hot as magma. Whenever a Firbolg with this Secret takes damage from a close combat attack, their sizzling blood deals 1 damage to the attacker. The blood of a Lavacaller with this Secret can also be used to burn through things like chains or other substances that are vulnerable to melting.  

Song of Earth
Sarcastically named, this…interesting Secret allows the Lavacaller spend a Full Action to let out a loud, earth-rumbling belch that produces a powerful earthquake in a 25 foot radius around the user. This ability can be used once per day and forces all enemies within the radius to roll an Agility test at difficulty 15. Failure knocks the target Prone and deals d6 damage. The true devastation of this power is felt by any structures that fall under the area of effect. Use of this Secret can easily completely level a small house and cause massive damage to any structure short of a Castle.

The favored art of the Dwarf is innovation, and their brilliant minds and regimented studies has granted them access to technologies that the other civilizations of Nezdriodel can only dream of. While no self-respecting Dwarf would fall upon the crutch of “Magic”, a few very rare Dwarves have harnessed their creative and intellectual power to new heights of innovation. Dwarves with Mystical Blood practice Gizmology and are called Inventors.

Prerequisites: Those who wish to become Inventors must have at least 2 levels in both the Lore and Tinker Skills.

Weakness: Inventors wield complex and delicate devices. As such, they spend far more time interacting with machinery as opposed to living beings. All Inventors gain Disadvantage on all applicable social rolls where their aversion to social situations would factor in.

Special Rule: Gizmology differs from all other Crafts in that instead of Secrets, it gives out permanent technological equipment that only Inventors can access or use. When an Inventor chooses a Secret, they actually craft an Invention that they can then use permanently. When a Secret is purchased via experience points, the Inventor creates a new piece of Tech to add to their arsenal. If ever a roll using any of the following devices Blunders, the device jams or seizes up and is rendered useless until d6 hours can be spent repairing it at a Tinker roll difficulty 15. Failure ups the difficulty by 5 and requires another d6 hours. If the difficulty ever exceeds 25, the device breaks and is rendered useless, and you must purchase the Secret again (rebuild it from scratch).

Gizmology Secrets
Voicewave Transmitter
This useful device comes in pairs, and appears to be a small metal device that laces around your ear. A user can speak into their device and have their voice transmit to the wearer of the other device immediately. This instant communication lasts as long as the pair are no further than one mile apart.

This Secret grants you an impressive technological assistant made of clockwork gears and steam power. An automaton can perform menial tasks for you and relay messages via a creepy sounding voice box. Many Inventors use Automatons as messengers or pack mules to carry their equipment. An Automaton cannot be used in combat, but can carry up to 500 pounds of gear easily.

Junk Bombs
These devastating grenades deal 3d6 damage in a 10 foot radius upon impact. Taking this secret equips you with 3 Junk grenades per adventure. You can purchase this Secret twice to increase the damage to 3d8 or double your supply each adventure from 3 to 6.

Portable Studio
This wondrous device is cube shaped and fits in the palm of your hand. You can spend a Point of Luck to expand the cube into a spacious, comfortable and secure Studio complete with a fireplace, library and workbench, and bed. The Portable Studio can comfortably house up to 5 people for up to 8 hours. When expanded, the studio appears to be a 6 by 6 foot cube with solid metal sides and a single door, but the inside of the cube is vastly larger somehow.  

Impervium Plate
This suit of Armor is constructed of the very rare mineral known as Impervium, and lends the wearer a +10 armor bonus, as well as reducing the damage of all attacks by 1. This can reduce an attack to 0. Impervium is a miraculously lightweight mineral, and this armor does not have the Noisy quality. This Armor is specially designed and fitted to be worn only by the creator, and the wearer is not required to have the Armor Training Edge to make use of it. Impervium Plate does have the Restrictive Quality.

Dwarven Survival Knife
This complex blade can be used as a dagger weapon made from Impervium that deals d6 + Vigor or Agility Mod damage, and also functions as a multi-tool kit, complete with lockpicks and even a small blowtorch. Using this tool grants Advantage to all Thievery rolls made to pick locks, as well as Tinker rolls made to repair devices. 

Rocket Pack
This bulky backpack can be used once per day to launch the wearer and up to 300 pounds worth of passengers high into the air. This doesn’t grant true flight, but instead, can propel the user a great distance, such as leaping over an average sized city wall or effortlessly leaping atop a building rooftop. You can purchase this Secret twice to install cooling jets that allow use of this Secret twice per day. You can attempt to land on a target by spending a point of Luck and making a Tinker roll at a difficulty equal to the Armor Class of the target. Successfully doing so deals 3d8 damage to the target, or 3d12 if purchased twice.

Repeater Pistol
This fantastic upgraded version of the Black Powder Pistol is a marvel to behold, and reloads automatically between shots (Negating the Reload Special Quality). It acts as a normal Black Powder Pistol in all other respects.

This bulky set of goggles lends the wearer an impressive array of perceptive power. After each use, the Goggles must recharge for 1 hour before they can be used again. An Inventor can spend a half action to set the Goggles to one of the following settings for d6 minutes:

-Zoom Mode: This mode acts as a powerful spyglass, allowing you to see far off things with clarity.

-X-Ray Mode: This mode can be used to see through any substance less than a half inch of thickness.

-Invisimode: This mode allows the wearer to see any and all invisible or incorporeal entities.

-Arcane Mode: This mode can be used to spot lingering arcane energy from people, items or magical traps in the vicinity.

-Truevision: This mode can be used to see through any and all illusions, disguises or deceptive images.

Steam Powered Vehicle
This fantastic secret grants you a fabled Dwarven vehicle that uses mind-boggling technology and is piloted using Tinker rolls. The following Steam Powered Vehicles are available for purchase, with some requiring multiple purchases of this Secret to create.

-Steamcycle: This loud motorized bike can carry 1 pilot and 1 passenger. It is the fastest ground transportation in the world, but lacks cargo and passenger capacity.

-Steam Wagon: This steam powered buggy can carry 1 Pilot and 4 passengers and has ample room for cargo. It sacrifices speed and mobility in exchange for passenger and cargo capacity.

-Steamboat (lol): This Steam Powered boat can carry 1 pilot and 3 passengers and travel on sea even if there is no wind. You must purchase this Secret twice to create this vehicle.

-Steamboat Mark II: This upgraded version of the Dwarven Steamboat can carry 1 pilot and 6 passengers and submerge itself beneath the water like a submarine for up to 1 hour every day. You must purchase this Secret Thrice to create this vehicle.

-Dwarven Flying Machine: The legendary Dwarven Flying machine can carry 1 pilot and 5 passengers and has ample cargo space. It is capable of long range aerial travel and requires the purchasing of this Secret thrice.

Adventurers are very special people who do grand things and live exceptional lives. As such, their weapons and armor are simply better than the common person. As you go on your adventuring career and grow more and more powerful, your weapons and armor improve along with you. Heroes are larger than life, and their trademark weapons and armor often times have legends all themselves.

How it works: Every time you amass 10 Experience Points, you automatically get to choose an Heirloom Enchantment for a weapon or piece of armor or a shield that you use. Any Heirloom you wish to hold must have a name. Each time your Earned Experience Point tally increases by an increment of 10, you may choose another Heirloom Enchantment.

Limits to Enchantment: A single piece of equipment can only hold 3 Heirloom Enchantments. Therefore, one weapon could have a +3 Bonus Modifier to attack and damage, but nothing else, or it could be a +2 weapon with Power Wave, or a +1 weapon with Power Wave and Poison.

Heirloom Enchantments
+1 Bonus Modifier (Armor, Weapon or Shield)
When chosen for a weapon, this bonus is applied to the attack and damage roll when using that weapon. On Armor and Shields, this number is added to Bonus Modifier of the Defense bonus that the Armor grants. You may purchase this Heirloom Enchantment up to three times for a single item, for a total Bonus Modifier of +3.

Keen (Weapon Only)
This weapon Triumphs on attack rolls of 19 or 20.

Power Wave (Weapon Only)
When this weapon Triumphs, it unleashes a wave of raw power that deals 3d6 damage to all enemies within 25 feet of you.

Bane (Weapons Only)
This Heirloom Enchantment grants you advantage on all attack and damage rolls when attacking a certain type of enemy. Some examples of what Bane weapons can target are Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, Firbolgs, Undead, Constructs, Beasts, etc. A weapon can only be a Bane against one foe. You couldn’t have one weapon that was Bane against 7 different foes!

Poison (Weapons Only)
Anyone damaged by a poison weapon cannot regain Hit Points for any reason for 3 rounds after they were last wounded by the weapon. Any healing items or healing abilities used that regain Hit Points gain the user 0 Hit Points. Lastly, a Poisoned foe cannot spend Luck Points for any reason.

Farcalling (Weapons Only)
This weapon can be summoned or dismissed by the wielder by taking a half action. You must have at least one hand free and be able to speak to call for your weapon.

Returning (Weapons and Shield Only)
This Heirloom Enchantment can be placed on throwing weapons or shields, allowing the item to return to your hand after it is thrown. A thrown Light shield deals 2d4 damage and a thrown Heavy shield deals 2d6 damage.

Ghostly (Weapons Only)
Weapons with Heirloom Enchantment can damage incorporeal and ghostly enemies as if they were solid beings. Whenever an incorporeal being is struck by this weapon, consider it a Triumph.

Rooted (Armor Only)
Armor with this quality makes the wearer immune to being knocked Prone or moved against their will.

Impervious (Armor Only)
Choose one type of damage type (Pierce, Slash or Bash). All damage rolls of this type gain Disadvantage against you.

Sentinel (Armor Only)
As long as this armor is worn, you do not need to sleep, eat or drink.

Chameleon (Armor Only)
This enchantment can only be placed on Cloth, Leather, or Studded Leather armor, and grants the wearer Advantage on all Stealth rolls.

Reflect (Shields Only)

Once per battle, you can reflect a harmful Secret or magical spell cast at you back on the caster. 

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