This system makes use mainly of the d20, though you will
use all of the dice in a standard 7 die set.
The standard difficulty of most rolls you will make is
15. Certain rolls will be higher or lower difficulty than this. You want to
roll equal to or higher than the difficulty of any test that you roll.
Whenever you are called upon to make any non-damage roll,
roll a d20 and add or subtract any and all modifiers.
d20 roll + Stat Modifier + Skill Rating + Any other
Modifiers = Final test result!
Contested Rolls:
Whenever someone actively opposes a test you make, a Contested roll occurs.
During Contested rolls, both sides make one roll and compare results, with the
highest result winning. If the roll is a tie, then roll the test again until
someone wins the contest.
Triumphs and
Blunders: Whenever you roll a 20 on your d20 without any modifiers, you
have Triumphed. This means that the best possible result occurs. Similarly, if
you roll a 1 on a d20 roll without any Modifiers, you have Blundered, and the
worst possible result occurs. You can only Blunder or Triumph on Stat, Skill or
attack roll.
Sometimes random chance and circumstance can aid or
hinder your attempts to succeed. Whenever you get Advantage on a roll, you roll
that test twice and use the higher result. Whenever you get Disadvantage on a
roll, you roll that test twice and use the lower result.
Your character’s 4 Stats represent their raw potential
and natural-born ability. Stats are rated on a scale from 0 to 10. The four
Stats of your character are detailed further below.
Vigor is a
measure of your physical prowess, strength, endurance, toughness, and general
level of health.
Agility is a
measure of your flexibility, reflexes, hand-eye coordination and speed.
Smarts is a
measure of your general level of formal education, wits, perception and mental
Presence is a
measure of your force of personality, personal magnetism, charisma, intuition
and instinct, and that certain special something that sets you apart from
everyone else.
Stat Modifiers
Depending on your rating in a Stat, you will have a Stat
Modifier that is added or subtracted to all rolls relating to that Stat. Having
a higher rating in a Stat makes you more likely to succeed, and having a lower
Stat makes you less likely to succeed. The list of Stat Modifiers is presented
(-5 Stat Modifier)
1-Abysmal (-4
Stat Modifier)
2-Very Bad (-3
Stat Modifier)
3-Bad (-2 Stat
Average (-1 Stat Modifier)
5-Average (No
Stat Modifier)
Average (+1 Stat Modifier)
7-Good (+2
Stat Modifier)
8-Very Good
(+3 Stat Modifier)
9-Superb (+4
Stat Modifier)
10-World Class
(+5 Stat Modifier)
Example: Dave wants to lift a heavy rock so that he can
throw it through a police car window. Lifting the large rock is a Vigor roll at
difficulty 15. Dave has taken quite a lot of steroids this evening, and
currently has a Vigor score of 8 due to his poor life decisions. Dave rolls a
d20 and adds his Vigor modifier (+3 for having a Vigor score of 8) to the final
Each Stat has 4 Skills linked to it. Skills are rated on
a scale from 0 to 5, with a rating of 0 being unskilled, 1 being novice, 2
being trained, 3 being professional, 4 being expert and 5 being master. You add
your rating in a Skill as a direct modifier to any applicable rolls.
Vigor Skills:
Athletics, Bully, Close Combat, Survival
Agility Skills:
Acrobatics, Ranged Combat, Stealth, Thievery
Smarts Skills:
Lore, Perception, Heal, Tinker
Presence Skills:
Charm, Primal, Entertain, Disguise
Example: Using the previous example with Dave lifting his
big rock, let’s say that Dave has an Athletics skill of 2 (once again, all due
to his rampant steroid abuse). Since the Athletics Skill is linked to the Vigor
Stat, Dave would add together all his modifiers together and add them to his
d20 roll. Dave would roll a d20 + his Vigor Modifier (3) + his Athletics Skill
(2) for a grand total of +5 to his d20 roll.
Stats are a measure of your natural potential. Skills
measure things you have learned through training and practice. Edges are perks
and advantages that your character has picked up through pure chance or
circumstance. Edges enhance your character in various ways and have a wide
variety of functions. Many Edges can be purchased twice to increase their
Some Edges have Stat or Skill (or sometimes both) requirements in order to
purchase them. If an Edge does not have any Requirements written on the Edge’s
description, than it can be chosen by anyone.
List of Edges:
Vitality Boost, Charmed Life, Status, Sex Appeal, Armor Training, Weapon
Training, Tech Training, Lucky Shot, First Strike, Riposte, Point Blank Shot, Beast Master, Treasure Hunter, RAGE!, Mystical Blood, Double Strike, Bodyguard, Sneak
Attack, Third Wind, Brawler, Thick Skin, Quick Draw, Photomemory, Linguist, Magic
Resistance, Poison Proof, Iron Will, Self Sufficient, Artisan
Dice can always turn on you and make life miserable, but
Luck Points can help turn the tides of favor your way. By spending a point of Luck,
you can re-roll any 1 roll you make or that is made against you and use the
better result. Your Luck Pool refills entirely at the start of every adventure.
Leftover Luck
Points: Any unspent Luck points that you have at the end of an Adventure
automatically convert to 100 Units of Wealth each.
Your Defense rating is the difficulty of all attacks
rolled to hit you in combat with an attack. Your Defense is calculated using
the formula below.
Base Defense (10) +
Agility OR Smarts Modifier + Armor Modifier + Shield Modifier + Bonus Modifier
Base Defense:
Your Base Defense is equal to 10. Why? I don’t know…it just is. Gawd.
Agility or Smarts
Modifier: Being really quick or being able to predict the moves of an
opponent beforehand can both come in handy for making you a harder target, so,
add the better of your Smarts or Agility Modifier to your Defense!
Armor Modifier:
If you are wearing Armor, it will grant you an Armor Modifier to your Defense.
Heavier Armor grants a more impressive bonus, making you harder to hit in
Shield Modifier:
If you are using a shield, it will also grant you a modifier to your Defense.
Bonus Modifier:
Some special items, Edges or special abilities can grant you Bonus modifiers to
your Defense rating.
The same types of Defense Modifiers do NOT stack! So, if you have a special
ring that grants you a +2 Bonus Modifier to Defense, as well as a magical cloak
that grants an additional +1 Bonus modifier to Defense, you would NOT add both
of them together. Instead, you would use the SINGLE most favorable Bonus
The state of your Character’s general health and well
being are depicted as a pool of Hit Points. When your Character is reduced to 0
Hit points or less, they are knocked out. Hit Points are regained after a time
by resting or through the use of the Heal skill or other healing items.
Your Speed is a measure of how many feet you can move in
one Half Action. Your Speed is directly related to your Species, as some are
faster on their feet than others!
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